Beacon Gallery has become ShowUp - a 501c3 nonprofit art space | For all the latest happenings at 524B Harrison head over to 

Praxis: Malcolm Montague Davis
February 2, 2018 - March 11, 2018

February 2nd - March 11th

Opening Evening February 2nd

Beacon Gallery will be featuring Malcolm Montague Davis's extraordinary paintings and models in a one-man show dedicated to selected themes from Davis's work. 

Come see Davis's colorful paintings and the models on which he based them: his masterful use of color and lines and the compression of 3-dimensional models into two-dimensions are the inspiration for the theory-into-practice title of "Praxis". 

Join us on the 2nd as we celebrate Malcolm, First Friday (and Groundhog's Day!), and then keep coming back all month long!  

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